Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day 6: Twitter?

This teacher posted her blog post on the power of her PLN last summer. It explains what a PLN- whether you determine it is through, Google Reader, Diigo and/or Twitter- does in her case.

Ms. Cheska's Blog Post


  1. I thought her point was valid about using Twitter as a PLN and having both personal and professional contributions. A person needs both to feel healthy, well-rounded and balanced. The more comfortable educators are with web 2.0 and 3.0 networking tools, the more it enables us to take advantage of the uniqueness they bring to the classroom. We should model tech-etiquette!

  2. Her point of view with using PLN as a personal learning tool is a great way to share with others and learn from others as well. Twitter is a whole new world to me for sharing - my OCD is having to organize all of my columns to my way of thinking. Ed. Tech, Education and then "my" stuff.

  3. I really liked this article. I feel that when the questions start rolling in I am going to direct them to link to this article. It nicely sums up what we as educators need to know about PLN.
