Thursday, July 14, 2011

Day 4: Which generation are you?

You spent time researching the generations that will most likely make up the audience of your professional learning session- so which one fits you best?

The generations studied were:

  • Silent Generation (1925 - 1944)
  • Baby Boomers (1945-1964)
  • Generation X (1965-1984)
  • Net Generation (1985 - present)
In the comment section, let us know which generation you are most like. Remember- you may have been born in the 1950s but be of the Net Generation at heart!


  1. I am part of the X Generation because of when I was born. However, I believe that the Net Generation fits me best.

  2. I believe I am a Generation X with Net Generation rising. I do like to take charge of my life but I do love all the technology available now.

  3. I would be in the Baby Boomer Generation, however I have a little of all of those characteristics from each generation.

  4. I was born near the end of Generation X, and I do exhibit a lot of the qualities of that group; however, I also exhibit many characteristics of the Net Generation. I love working independently and being challenged, and I need frequent positive feedback--so at the core, I'm a Gen Xer. But as I have gotten older, I have actually become more of a Net Gener. I want to be active and involved, with instant gratification! I can't do without technology, I dream of a green world, and I want to do things the easiest way possible! I guess you could say I'm Generation XNet!

  5. I am truly a Baby Boomer baby, but I characteristics of other eras. I like hands on activities, solving problems for myself, and I am a morning person.

  6. By birth, I am a Generation X, but I seem to have more characteristics of the Net Generation. I have to be entertained and am very hands on. I also love to take the short-cut way on everything as well as needing instant gratification.

  7. I am very much a member of the Generation X group. I can say that I do exhibit characteristics of the group and many of the events during the time shaped who I am. I think I have characteristics of the NET Generation, but not enough to put me in that group.

  8. I think I am a part of the Generation X because I have a lot of the qualities that were shown in the presentation. I grew up discovering the Internet as well as AOL.

  9. I was born in 1981 near the end of Generation X. I do exhibit several of the characteristics of that generation however I also have a lot of the characteristics of the Net Generation. Like Jesse, I'm a Generation XNet. ;)

  10. I was born into the end of Generation X. I feel though that I am in the Net Generation! I couldn't live without my computer and cell phone.

  11. I was born in the Net generation. Technology is a huge part of my work and personal life!

  12. I am a Generation X by birth, but also have characteristics of the Net Generation. I am very visual and love to be entertained. I do think that I can't do without technology. I also need lots of feedback.

  13. I am very much in the Generation X group. As I was going through the research, I found myself smiling and laughing cause it was like they were describing me!

  14. I am part of the Net Generation, barely. I think I display some characteristics of this generations, such as needing hands on activities and using technology for everything! I think I display a lot more characteristics of Generation X, so I would have to agree with Jesse and Victoria!

  15. I am most like Generation X which I was born at the tail end of. I enjoy listening to instructors, but am also confident in trying to figure things out on my own as well. I am pretty independent and enjoy challenges. I love to get feedback on what I have done well and what I need to do better.

  16. I am considered part of the Net Generation and I feel that I am part of this generation. I grew up with the boom and the change of technology. I like to take things through the fastest way possible. I do not however, like to have things given to me step-by-step.

  17. I was born in the Net Generation and I believe I truly am part of the Net Generation. I love things to be accessible at my fingertips and I like most things digitally. I still do like a few things on paper like my personal schedule. Technology is a part of my life at home, school, and everywhere I go. I'm not sure what I would do without it!

  18. I was born in generation-x of the “Latch Key” children with a father and mother in professional careers. Our family was one of the few who had a “Nanny”. It was appalling to the extended family that my mother worked and left her babies at home. On the other hand-I thought it was great because I loved our nanny “Rosie”. Rosie is still part of our family.

    I was raised as “what can I do? instead of "“what’s in it for me”. I do enjoy career and I live to work.

  19. Ok. I HAD a post on here, but now it is gone. Hmmmm
